Keroro an alien that comes to destroy the planet earth...
and a junior high school boy Fuyuki meets him in his bedroom
when he wakes up.The sudden meet has change keroro and
fuyuki life.Keroro lives with fuyuki and his sister natsumi...
Day by day... keroro forgets the motive why he came to earth.
Keroro is a funny alien that really loves Gundam robot collection.
Always came up some wierd thing and destroy everything...
He has other 4 commanders with him when land in earth...but
they separate,and as a captain of his gang...he search for his
commanders...but he should finish his cleaning in house...
the first one that keroro found is Tamama.A cute looking alien
but inside him a scary character that blows up everything that
thinks its annoying.The third one is Giroro.An expert on using
machine guns.He always thinks about his captain and advise him
to continue thier plan of destroying the earth.But he falls in love
with natsumi.Next is Kiroro the computer expert and with a scary
character...even scaryer than tamama...After he found the fourth
commanders...they forgot about the last commander...the Ninja...
This story really rocks!!!
Once you watch it you will love it^^
Now i run after it^^
Keroro with his cleaning sut^^CUTE,huh!!
I love it so much^^
lol~is really cute
look like a frog not an alien :P
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